Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What is For Dinner???

This is the never ending question of motherhood. Only usually my four year old, in his confusion about which meal comes next, asks me at 4 pm 'Mom, what's for Lunch?' I am plagued by meals, because my husband is a chef I feel that there is a certain expectation to be met. But then I remember that he loves Tacos so if all else fails we can have Mexican food. And the kids, for that matter, would have Dino Nuggets or Hot Dogs every day of the week if i would let them. Now, lets not forget that I have formal training in this area. It is believed by some that because the knowledge is in there it should be able to be called up at a moments notice and i should be able to look at the random items in the fridge and come up with several delectable dishes based on chicken breast, diet caffeine free Dr Pepper, and jello. Alas, I can't recall the exact date, much less the exact portions of ingredients that make up Chicken Kiev.

So, onward and upward i go, with the promise that my next meal and my next post will be better than the last!


Janssen said...

Fun to see you on here! I'm excited to follow along!

Robin said...

Hi, Neighbor! No formal kitchen training here, but then IS there anything to prepare one for feeding a family of picky eaters? Group therapy, maybe? :D

Kevin said...

If that chicken dr pepper and jello meal is good... I'll have to pass it on to my wife. She makes a mean chicken diet coke and ketchup dish. I'm just glad she didn't tell me what was in it before I tried it because I'm not sure I would have tried it. Good luck with feeding the wee ones and answering their neverending questions about life and upcoming meals.

Ralphie said...

Yipee for you Alison! Happy blogging to you!
After reading your post I can quite joyously wipe my forehead with relief, for you too feed your kids hot dogs!

G said...

Hey! I enjoyed the "taste" of your blogging. Bring on the banquet!!!